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Thursday, January 2, 2014

Memories & Resolutions.

Hi there bloggy friends.  While I am excited for 2014, it is slowly but surely reminding me how few days are left of winter break :(

This post is slightly delayed (which may or may not have something to do with the fact that I've been reading the Divergent series nonstop since the 31st) but I'm finally sitting down to write it.  2013 was an incredible year.  I am a little sad to let it go, honestly.

I'm linking this loooong puppy up with the girls at Blog Hoppin'.  I'm a day late, but this post is about my family & friends.  I might be cheating (SORRY!) but I wanted to first focus on the wonderful memories with my friends and family in 2013.

JANUARY began with student teaching in 2nd grade and my best friend's 21st birthday.  My other best friend & I made this beauty for her to celebrate some of our favorite memories in our decade long friendship.  Perhaps you've seen it on Pinterest ;)

FEBRUARY was my first experience with a holiday party in school (terrifying) & my other best friend's 21st celebrated with an out of town trip.  Here's the 3 of us celebrating:

MARCH was leaving 2nd grade & moving to 1st grade to finish student teaching, spending QT with my mom & my best friends' moms at sorority Mom's Day & celebrating my pup's 8th birthday.  Look at this angel face:

APRIL was celebrating autism awareness, becoming an alum of my sorority and spray tans galore (my guiltiest pleasure).  Can you even recognize this bronzed beaut?

(several seniors at our last Sigma Kappa meeting)

MAY was hard.  It was a lot of goodbyes: my first graders, my incredible cooperating teacher, my roommates, my house in Maryville, my sorority sisters, my best friends, my college.  It was my graduation, my brother's high school graduation, moving back to Kansas City, getting TWO jobs (Express! and a REAL LIFE TEACHING JOB) and subbing everyday.

JUNE was working two jobs, working retail at Express, working as a TA with some incredibly special kiddos and finding out I was teaching FIRST. GRADE.  Getting the dream.

(just some of the obscene amount of clothes from Express I now own)

JULY was working with NEW special kiddos, buying a whooooole lotta stuff for my classroom, crafting a whoooole lotta stuff for my classroom and setting everything up for the first day of the real world:

AUGUST was adulthood, the first day of school, saying goodbye to my baby bro as he left for Wyoming and countless nights working late at school.

SEPTEMBER was my birthday, BUYING A CAR, and still trying to figure out what it meant to be an adult.

OCTOBER was visiting Wyoming (it snowed), finally checking off my dream of seeing Wicked, celebrating Halloween first grade style & visiting Northwest for Homecoming with my best friends.

NOVEMBER was simple.  Not letting myself get overly stressed, enjoying quality time with friends & family and a whoooole lotta food:

DECEMBER was watching my kiddos perform at their holiday show, Christmas with my family and lots of ugly sweaters.

(I really have the most incredible teammates in 1st grade!)

(I actually do have other family besides my dog)

A great year that ended with a great night.  I spent it with some of my favorite people:

As far as resolutions go, I'm not sure I have one.  Maybe just to keep on keepin' on.  I want to keep staying close with my friends from college.  It may not be the same as when we all lived in the same small town (or even the same building!), but I think we can do it.  I want to keep staying less stressed; keep remembering that no matter what things will get done.  I want to keep trying harder everyday to be the best teacher I can be.  I want to have a great year.  Instead of a resolution, I guess I can leave you with this.  My reminder for 2014.

Happy New Year, friends.


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